9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Justify the use of the Past Continuous.
B. It 1/ was raining heavily & the wind 2/ was blowing. Sam 3/ was walking back home. It 4/ was very late and the streets 5/ were empty. Suddenly he 6/ heard footsteps behind him. They 6/were getting closer and closer. Sam 8/ turned round and 9/ saw a slim woman in a dirty raincoat walking towards him.
C. Peter 1/ was working in the garden. He 2/was digging a deep hole when he 4/ found an old silver box. When he 4/ opening it, he 5/ was surprised to see an old map.
11. Fill in the gaps with words from the list. Then underline the direct speech in the paragraph.
It was a sunny afternoon. David and his friends were 1/ sailing along the coast, 2/ enjoying the warm weather. A light breeze was 3/ blowing across the bay. They all felt relaxed. Rick & Tyler were 4/ helping David sail in the boat as the others were 5/ sitting 6/ talking about their plans for the summer holidays. Suddenly, the wind started blowing strongly and the sea become rough. Waves began 7/crashing against the boat, 8/making everyone lose their balance. Dark clouds covered the sky. David was 9/ trying to lower the sails when Rick cried “ Where’s Tyler?”….
13.Put the verbs in brackets into Past simple or Past continuous, then answer the questions.
It 1/ was a bitterly cold night. It 2/ was raining heavily. Sally 3/ was walking along the empty road and tears 4/ were running down her face. She 5/reached a street lamp &stopped there. She 6/ had nowhere to go to, no one to stay with… nothing. She was soaked to the skin but this 7/ wasn’t seeming bother her. Suddenly she 8/ felt a gentle tap on her shoulders. Surprised she 8/ turned around. In the pale yellow light she 10/ saw a stranger. He 11/ was wearing clothes as black as night, but his face 12/ was kind and calm.
a) When & where did the story take place?
The story take place in the empty road at night.
b) What was the weather like?
It was cold and raining.
c) Who were the people involved & how did they feel?
Sally and the man with black clothes. Sally felt depressed. The man looked kind and maybe felt calm.
d) Which sentences describe the senses?
She was soaked to the skin but this 7/ wasn’t seeming bother her. Suddenly she 8/ felt a gentle tap on her shoulders. Surprised she 8/ turned around. In the pale yellow light she 10/ saw a stranger.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
29 October
Unit 5
Read the beginnings again and match them with the titles:
A-Horror in the jungle \ Dreadful Python\
B- The Flood \ Hopeless\
C-The monster \ The forest\
Language Development
Read the beginnings again and match them with the titles:
A-Horror in the jungle \ Dreadful Python\
B- The Flood \ Hopeless\
C-The monster \ The forest\
Language Development
4. The use of various adjective makes stories more interesting. Read the list of adjective and match them with the nouns as in the examples. You may use some adjectives more than once.
A. moonlit, rough, calm, moonless, stormy, dark, sunny, clear, cloudless.
1. Cloudless, sunny, clear sky
2. Moonlit, moonless, dark night
3. Sunny, clear, stormy day
4. Rough, calm, stormy sea
B. snowy, steep, pebbly, noisy, crowded, high, narrow, expensive, empty, sandy, tree-covered.
1. noisy, crowded, empty, narrow street
2. crowded, expensive, empty restaurant
3. pebbly, sandy, tree-covered beach
4.snowy, steep, high, tree covered mountain
5.Look at the picture and say how each person feels. Then match the adjectives in the list with the pictures. When do you feel like this.
A. –scared, terrified, frightened
I feel terrified when I watch horror movie…
B.-annoyed, angry, furious
I feel angry when someone shouted to me…
C.-glad, thrilled, pleased, delighted
I feel glad when I read my favorite book…
D.-miserable, depressed, sad
I feel sad when I miss my favorite movie….
6.Read the sentences & match them with the adjectives below.
Embarrassed, nervous, frightened, happy, angry, surprised, bored, miserable.
1. His knees were trembling; he thought he was going to faint. He was frightened
2. Ann sat at her desk staring out of the window. She was miserable.
3. Everybody laughed at him & his face went very red. He was embarrassed.
4. His eyes & mouth were wide open but he couldn’t say anything. He was surprised.
5. Liz sat quietly in the corner with her head in her hands, sighing from the time to time. She was bored.
6. She started to shake as she went into the exam room. She was nervous.
7. The driver shook his fist & started shouting. He was angry.
8. Tim’s eyes were shining & he had a huge smile on his face. He was happy.
7.Join the sentences below using when, while, and, so, or as\because as in the example.
8. Look at the sentences in Ex 7. Which tenses are used for……
1. The sun was shining and c. The birds were singing.- An action happened at a define past time.
2. Bill was watching TV while a. His wife was getting dressed. - Past actions of a certain duration happened at the same time.
3. I was having a bath when e. my doorbell rang.- Past action in progress interrupted by another past action.
4. I heard a noise in the garden so d. I went to see what it was. – Actions happened one after the other.
5. He went to bed early last night because b. He was very tired.-giving a background description to events in a history.
9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Justify the use of the Past Continuous.
A. Paula 1/ was looking out of the window. It 2/ was dark & wet outside. Big raindrops 3/ were running down the glass. Then she 4/ saw them & 5/ gasped in horror. Two thin, white creatures 6/ were walking towards the window. Her hands 8/ began to shake as she 8/realized that their eyes 9/ were staring into hers.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
27 October
This is my today’s homework.
Amend-change, alter, improve,
Ratification-certification, approval, sanction, authorization
Suffrage-right to vote,
Legislature- national lawmaking body of a country, branch of government authorized to make laws
Authority- power, control, jurisdiction
Commonwealth- group of people united in a common cause, people of a country, democratic state
What freedoms are most important to you?
For me freedom of speech is very important. You can speak your mind. This is helpful to improve our country. This is pluralism’s one part. I don’t want to go to jail because of I denounce my government or cheap. And I want to know other people’s mind so it is very important to me.
Also I need freedom of the press. I need a lot of information. I want to know what happening in the world.
For me freedom of finance is important . I think it is important to all. But it isn’t easy. So we have to work.
Right now I want to freedom of speaking English. So I have to study hard.
Finally I agree with that poem. It is very nice poem. I hope Chris can understand this.
Ц. Хулан : Эрх чөлөө
Чөлөөтэй, омголон дураараа байх би дуртай!
Чөдрөөн тасдаж гүйдэг моринд адуу адуунаас хайртай!
Талын шувуу торонд бус талдаа жиргэх дуртай
Тааваараа бус орчлон өөрөө эрх чөлөнд дуртай!
Хязгаар үгүй эрх чөлөө хаана ч харин байдаггүй
Хазааргүй унаа, бүслүүргүй гэр гэж байдаггүй
Эрх чөлөө гэж хичнээн ч хашгирлаа гэсэн
Энэхэндээ гэж хэлэхэд би хорионд байх дуртай!
Эгэл даруу ижий, эцгийн минь голомт сэтгэлийг минь хорьдог
Энгэртээ тэвэрсэн үр, насны минь хань намайг хорьдог
Элгэн садан ард түмэн, Эх орон минь намайг хорьдог
Энэнээс илүү эрх чөлөөгөөр орчлонд би яах юм бэ?
PS: you know I don’t have a husband and baby. So I will quite agree with this when I 25 or 26 years old.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
23 October
23 October
Conceive-understand, think of an idea
Mayans conceived world will end in 21 December 2012.
Doctor Bat conceived that people be able to heal the AIDS.
He conceive that we have to protect our environment.
Potential-ability, capability of being
He has a potential of understand.
Carl has a potential of buy it.
I know you can do it- you has a lot of ability & potential.
Proximity-nearness, closeness, vicinity
Vicinity-it means proximity or nearness.
Bold’s house is proximity to Bat’s house.
Proximity means nearness or vicinity.
Upon-on, atop
Once upon a time there lived grandfather and grandmother.
Christmas is almost upon us again.
Birds are upon the trees.
Current-process, tendency, direction
Currently people think Balloon boy’s parents are liar.
This is current process.
Current means flow of water & direction.
Vertical-upright line
Vertical means upright line.
The opposite of vertical is horizontal.
You have to draw a vertical line.
Profitable-lucrative, rewarding, beneficial
It seems you work on profitable project.
We can earn a lot of money for this movie- it is very profitable.
Profitable means beneficial, producing income, paying.
Main character-main role
This movie’s main character is Monica.
That movie’s main character is very nice.
Main character means main role.
Household name-everyone known this person
She is a TV personality who has became a household name.
Everyone know Larry King who has a household name.
Household name means everybody know this person.
Episode-event, one of a group of loosely connected stories.
I am looking forward Hero’s new episode.
Hero’s new episode was off the hook.
Episode means one of a group of loosely connected stories.
Brainchild- good idea, product of one’s thought
That book is his brainchild.
Brainchild means invention& original idea.
The adventure of Tom Sawyer is Mark Twain’s brainchild.
Assassination –premeditated murder
I hate assassination that is very bad.
Assassination means premeditated murder.
I think who does assassination he or she going to the hell.
Conflict-clash, fight, quarrel
I wonder this Why people have a conflict? we are all same.
I think people have a different religion and mind so we have a conflict.
In the world because of conflict so many people are dying.
Nuclear- utilizing the atomic nucleus, pertaining to atomic weapons.
People are attending about nuclear energy.
Nuclear weapon is very dangerous.
Nuclear is now all world’s problem.
Brethren means brothers.
Tom and Carl are brethren.
They are look so similar because they are brethren.
Prediction-prophecy, soothsaying, forecasting
Vanga’s some predictions are becoming true.
I don’t wanna ro believe any predictions.
She believes in her predictions.
Conscript-person who has been drafted into military service
Bat is conscripting to military service.
Conscript means person who has been drafted into military service
He is new here so he is new conscript.
Verify-confirm the truth of something.
You have to verify this idea.
Verify means ascertain the truth of something.
In the science verify is important.
Pain-sensation of physical discomfort, emotional suffering or distress, someone or something that is irritating or problematic.
I have a pain in my head.
Pain means sensation of physical discomfort.
I hate my head’s pain
Conceive-understand, think of an idea
Mayans conceived world will end in 21 December 2012.
Doctor Bat conceived that people be able to heal the AIDS.
He conceive that we have to protect our environment.
Potential-ability, capability of being
He has a potential of understand.
Carl has a potential of buy it.
I know you can do it- you has a lot of ability & potential.
Proximity-nearness, closeness, vicinity
Vicinity-it means proximity or nearness.
Bold’s house is proximity to Bat’s house.
Proximity means nearness or vicinity.
Upon-on, atop
Once upon a time there lived grandfather and grandmother.
Christmas is almost upon us again.
Birds are upon the trees.
Current-process, tendency, direction
Currently people think Balloon boy’s parents are liar.
This is current process.
Current means flow of water & direction.
Vertical-upright line
Vertical means upright line.
The opposite of vertical is horizontal.
You have to draw a vertical line.
Profitable-lucrative, rewarding, beneficial
It seems you work on profitable project.
We can earn a lot of money for this movie- it is very profitable.
Profitable means beneficial, producing income, paying.
Main character-main role
This movie’s main character is Monica.
That movie’s main character is very nice.
Main character means main role.
Household name-everyone known this person
She is a TV personality who has became a household name.
Everyone know Larry King who has a household name.
Household name means everybody know this person.
Episode-event, one of a group of loosely connected stories.
I am looking forward Hero’s new episode.
Hero’s new episode was off the hook.
Episode means one of a group of loosely connected stories.
Brainchild- good idea, product of one’s thought
That book is his brainchild.
Brainchild means invention& original idea.
The adventure of Tom Sawyer is Mark Twain’s brainchild.
Assassination –premeditated murder
I hate assassination that is very bad.
Assassination means premeditated murder.
I think who does assassination he or she going to the hell.
Conflict-clash, fight, quarrel
I wonder this Why people have a conflict? we are all same.
I think people have a different religion and mind so we have a conflict.
In the world because of conflict so many people are dying.
Nuclear- utilizing the atomic nucleus, pertaining to atomic weapons.
People are attending about nuclear energy.
Nuclear weapon is very dangerous.
Nuclear is now all world’s problem.
Brethren means brothers.
Tom and Carl are brethren.
They are look so similar because they are brethren.
Prediction-prophecy, soothsaying, forecasting
Vanga’s some predictions are becoming true.
I don’t wanna ro believe any predictions.
She believes in her predictions.
Conscript-person who has been drafted into military service
Bat is conscripting to military service.
Conscript means person who has been drafted into military service
He is new here so he is new conscript.
Verify-confirm the truth of something.
You have to verify this idea.
Verify means ascertain the truth of something.
In the science verify is important.
Pain-sensation of physical discomfort, emotional suffering or distress, someone or something that is irritating or problematic.
I have a pain in my head.
Pain means sensation of physical discomfort.
I hate my head’s pain
Thursday, October 22, 2009
22 october
Of course I leave my home, and go straight 10nd street's end then I turn right & go straight 7nd street's end then turn left then I can see bus stop. I take the bus # 38. That bus stop in Sansar's station when I leave the bus and take the another bus # 10. That bus stop in NUM's bus station- of coutse I leave the bus and walk to NUM's 2nd apartment. That's all. It takes 1 hour
I think our teacher is like to walk. Here is another ''walking'' direction:
- I've told how to find a Sharhad's bus station. So let's start Sharhad's bus station. You have to go straight about 200 ms then you have to turn right and walk 500 ms there is "Da Huree" then turn left and walk 100 ms later you will see Erdenetolgoi's bus station. then again turn right and walk until ''Tsaiz''. Then you have to turn left and walk 500m, then you have to turn right and walk 5 or 6 kms-later you will be in "Mongolian Univrsity of Education" then turn right abd go straight "Mongolion University of Science and Technology" then you have to across the road. Then you will see NUM 2 Maybe it takes 2-4 hour
Of course I leave my home, and go straight 10nd street's end then I turn right & go straight 7nd street's end then turn left then I can see bus stop. I take the bus # 38. That bus stop in Sansar's station when I leave the bus and take the another bus # 10. That bus stop in NUM's bus station- of coutse I leave the bus and walk to NUM's 2nd apartment. That's all. It takes 1 hour
I think our teacher is like to walk. Here is another ''walking'' direction:
- I've told how to find a Sharhad's bus station. So let's start Sharhad's bus station. You have to go straight about 200 ms then you have to turn right and walk 500 ms there is "Da Huree" then turn left and walk 100 ms later you will see Erdenetolgoi's bus station. then again turn right and walk until ''Tsaiz''. Then you have to turn left and walk 500m, then you have to turn right and walk 5 or 6 kms-later you will be in "Mongolian Univrsity of Education" then turn right abd go straight "Mongolion University of Science and Technology" then you have to across the road. Then you will see NUM 2 Maybe it takes 2-4 hour
20 october Discussion topic: Balloon boy

Discussion topic
Balloon boy
If you were them what would you do?
Of I were them I would not do this job. Becauz I don't like being public eye. It is very troublesome. If I have done this I would move to the another country.
Did they break the law?
I think they broke the law. Because they called the police fake. But they did many good things. For example Americans and Brithish people was stopped their job and attended for another thing by Ballon boy's family. This is good isn't it?
What punishment do they deserve?
They don't have to deserve any punishment. Lot of people think they are liar that is enough for them.
Balloon boy
If you were them what would you do?
Of I were them I would not do this job. Becauz I don't like being public eye. It is very troublesome. If I have done this I would move to the another country.
Did they break the law?
I think they broke the law. Because they called the police fake. But they did many good things. For example Americans and Brithish people was stopped their job and attended for another thing by Ballon boy's family. This is good isn't it?
What punishment do they deserve?
They don't have to deserve any punishment. Lot of people think they are liar that is enough for them.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
13 October
Hi. This is my today’s/13 October/ homework.
12. Read the phrases & say which sense each one describes. Then choose suitable phrases to fill in the description below.
Crashing waves, leaves rustling, blue sea, smell of the wet soil, straw umbrellas, , smell of suntan oil, birds chirping, bright sun
A. My holiday was perfect. From my balcony I saw 1/ straw umbrellas which lined the beach. I spent my days under the 2/ bright sun swimming in the 3/ blue sea & playing in the 4/ crashing waves. The 5/ smell of suntan oil filled the air.
B. The forest was peaceful. 1/ tall green trees all around me. The only sounds I heard were the 2/ leaves rustling on the trees and 3/ birds chirping the 4/ smell of the wet soil filled the air.
14. Look at the map & fill in the gaps with one of the prepositions from the list.
Above, next to/beside, opposite, below, over, near/ close to, by
1. The restaurant is opposite the square.
2. The car park is next to the cinema.
3. The school is close to the library.
4. The hairdresser’s is the above chemist’s
5. The chemist’s is below the hairdresser’s
6. The church is near to the river.
7. There is a bridge crossing over the river.
16. Look at the Grammar Reference Section on pp 103-104. Then, read the following text and put a tuck /√/ for every correct use of the & a cross /x/ for every incorrect use of it.
1. Yesterday was a busy day. I took Jenny to the x
2. school, & then I went to the station to pick up my √
3. Friend, Helen, who had just arrived from the Spain. We x
4.visited Tower Bridge & the Buckingham Palace. √
5. Helen hoped she could see the Queen. Then we √
6. went to the Trafalgar Square & took lots of photos. x
7. We also visited the British Museum & Soho. √
17. Match the numbers to the letters, then, join the sentences as in the example. How are such/ so used?
It was such a lively place that I went out every night.
The place was so lively that I went out every night.
1. It was a lively place a. I didn’t sleep well
2. The Island was peaceful b. We spent a whole day there
3. The museum was amazing c.We missed the appointment
4. It was a noisy hotel d. We felt completely relaxed
5. The streets were crowded e. I went out every night
1. It was such a lively place that I went out every night.
2. The Island was so peaceful that We felt completely relaxed
3. The museum was so amazing that We spent a whole day there
4. It was such a noisy hotel that I didn’t sleep well
5. The streets were so crowded that We missed the appointment
18. Look at the different expressions you can use to recommend/or not recommend/ a place.
You really ought to/ should, I strongly advise you to /not to/, the best thing you can do is to, it’s worth going/ visiting etc.
Write complete sentences using the expressions above & the notes below as in the example.
You really ought to visit Disneyland as it’s fun for the whole family.
1. Visit/Disneyland/fun/whole family
You really ought to visit Disneyland as it’s fun for the whole family.
2. Go/Black Rock Beach/ perfect for windsurfing
You should go to Black Rock Beach where is perfect for windsurfing
3. Not/swim/Sunset Beach/ water/ deep
You needn’t swim in the Sunset Beach because its water is so deeply
4. Go to island/September/ less crowded
You should go to island on September when it is less crowded
5. Go Cairo/ many things/ see
You should go Cairo where has many things you can see.
19. Read this article from a school magazine and fill in each gap with an adjective ending in –ous, -ly, -ic, - y,- ful. Then say what each paragraph about.
The 1/ famous/fame/ Black Forest & the picturesque town of Baden Baden are in south-western Germany. I went there recently in search of a 2/ peaceful /peace/, relaxing holiday & I certainly wasn’t disappointed.
The town is surrounded by 3/marvelous /marvel/ scenery, clear lakes, & tall mountains. The weather during my visit was so cool & 4/ misty /mist/ that it created a wonderfully 5/ mysterious /mystery/ atmosphere.
There are plenty of interesting places to visit including the town’s 6/ delightful /delight/t 15th century palace & the Roman baths. I also explored the 7/shady /shade/ Black Forest where all I could hear was the gentle sound of flowing streams. The food was excellent. I tired several 8/ tasty /taste/ local dishes. I also bought some cuckoo clocks as souvenirs.
I had the holiday of a lifetime in Baden Baden. With its 9/ friendly / friend/ people, & 10/ fantastic /fantasy/ natural surroundings, I would certainly recommend it to anyone who wants to go on holiday in the near future.
Para 1: He or she travelled to the Germany looking for peaceful place
Main body
Para 2: Black Forest was so gorgeous place and weather was cool
Para3: He or she explored the Black Forest. Local food was so delicious
Para 4: He would certainly recommend that place to other.
20. Imagine you visited a place in your country which you really liked. Describe it using the paragraph plan below.
The beautiful Kakadu national park is located within the Alligator Rivers Region of the Northern Territory of Australia. I went there because of I heard there has a lush rainforest and rock art galleries up to 50,000 years old and other interesting sightseeing.
This park is such a beautiful place I have ever seen. I was there in April so I saw blossoming paperbarks next to billabongs filled with waterbirds in the Banggerreng.
There I saw millions of migratory birds amongst the wetlands delicate waterlilies and prehistoric crocodiles, thundering waterfalls and sparkling waterholes. Experience Kakadu’s magic in six dramatically different seasons. In my opinion Kakadu is a tapestry of treasures waiting to be explored. There is Five ways to take in Kakadu
1. Rocking out with Aboriginal art
2. With rare and ancient flora and fauna
3. With the spirit of adventure
4. In tune with the seasons
5. Driving Nature’s Waym and I did these ways only tree. So next time I visit this Park again.
12. Read the phrases & say which sense each one describes. Then choose suitable phrases to fill in the description below.
Crashing waves, leaves rustling, blue sea, smell of the wet soil, straw umbrellas, , smell of suntan oil, birds chirping, bright sun
A. My holiday was perfect. From my balcony I saw 1/ straw umbrellas which lined the beach. I spent my days under the 2/ bright sun swimming in the 3/ blue sea & playing in the 4/ crashing waves. The 5/ smell of suntan oil filled the air.
B. The forest was peaceful. 1/ tall green trees all around me. The only sounds I heard were the 2/ leaves rustling on the trees and 3/ birds chirping the 4/ smell of the wet soil filled the air.
14. Look at the map & fill in the gaps with one of the prepositions from the list.
Above, next to/beside, opposite, below, over, near/ close to, by
1. The restaurant is opposite the square.
2. The car park is next to the cinema.
3. The school is close to the library.
4. The hairdresser’s is the above chemist’s
5. The chemist’s is below the hairdresser’s
6. The church is near to the river.
7. There is a bridge crossing over the river.
16. Look at the Grammar Reference Section on pp 103-104. Then, read the following text and put a tuck /√/ for every correct use of the & a cross /x/ for every incorrect use of it.
1. Yesterday was a busy day. I took Jenny to the x
2. school, & then I went to the station to pick up my √
3. Friend, Helen, who had just arrived from the Spain. We x
4.visited Tower Bridge & the Buckingham Palace. √
5. Helen hoped she could see the Queen. Then we √
6. went to the Trafalgar Square & took lots of photos. x
7. We also visited the British Museum & Soho. √
17. Match the numbers to the letters, then, join the sentences as in the example. How are such/ so used?
It was such a lively place that I went out every night.
The place was so lively that I went out every night.
1. It was a lively place a. I didn’t sleep well
2. The Island was peaceful b. We spent a whole day there
3. The museum was amazing c.We missed the appointment
4. It was a noisy hotel d. We felt completely relaxed
5. The streets were crowded e. I went out every night
1. It was such a lively place that I went out every night.
2. The Island was so peaceful that We felt completely relaxed
3. The museum was so amazing that We spent a whole day there
4. It was such a noisy hotel that I didn’t sleep well
5. The streets were so crowded that We missed the appointment
18. Look at the different expressions you can use to recommend/or not recommend/ a place.
You really ought to/ should, I strongly advise you to /not to/, the best thing you can do is to, it’s worth going/ visiting etc.
Write complete sentences using the expressions above & the notes below as in the example.
You really ought to visit Disneyland as it’s fun for the whole family.
1. Visit/Disneyland/fun/whole family
You really ought to visit Disneyland as it’s fun for the whole family.
2. Go/Black Rock Beach/ perfect for windsurfing
You should go to Black Rock Beach where is perfect for windsurfing
3. Not/swim/Sunset Beach/ water/ deep
You needn’t swim in the Sunset Beach because its water is so deeply
4. Go to island/September/ less crowded
You should go to island on September when it is less crowded
5. Go Cairo/ many things/ see
You should go Cairo where has many things you can see.
19. Read this article from a school magazine and fill in each gap with an adjective ending in –ous, -ly, -ic, - y,- ful. Then say what each paragraph about.
The 1/ famous/fame/ Black Forest & the picturesque town of Baden Baden are in south-western Germany. I went there recently in search of a 2/ peaceful /peace/, relaxing holiday & I certainly wasn’t disappointed.
The town is surrounded by 3/marvelous /marvel/ scenery, clear lakes, & tall mountains. The weather during my visit was so cool & 4/ misty /mist/ that it created a wonderfully 5/ mysterious /mystery/ atmosphere.
There are plenty of interesting places to visit including the town’s 6/ delightful /delight/t 15th century palace & the Roman baths. I also explored the 7/shady /shade/ Black Forest where all I could hear was the gentle sound of flowing streams. The food was excellent. I tired several 8/ tasty /taste/ local dishes. I also bought some cuckoo clocks as souvenirs.
I had the holiday of a lifetime in Baden Baden. With its 9/ friendly / friend/ people, & 10/ fantastic /fantasy/ natural surroundings, I would certainly recommend it to anyone who wants to go on holiday in the near future.
Para 1: He or she travelled to the Germany looking for peaceful place
Main body
Para 2: Black Forest was so gorgeous place and weather was cool
Para3: He or she explored the Black Forest. Local food was so delicious
Para 4: He would certainly recommend that place to other.
20. Imagine you visited a place in your country which you really liked. Describe it using the paragraph plan below.
The beautiful Kakadu national park is located within the Alligator Rivers Region of the Northern Territory of Australia. I went there because of I heard there has a lush rainforest and rock art galleries up to 50,000 years old and other interesting sightseeing.
This park is such a beautiful place I have ever seen. I was there in April so I saw blossoming paperbarks next to billabongs filled with waterbirds in the Banggerreng.
There I saw millions of migratory birds amongst the wetlands delicate waterlilies and prehistoric crocodiles, thundering waterfalls and sparkling waterholes. Experience Kakadu’s magic in six dramatically different seasons. In my opinion Kakadu is a tapestry of treasures waiting to be explored. There is Five ways to take in Kakadu
1. Rocking out with Aboriginal art
2. With rare and ancient flora and fauna
3. With the spirit of adventure
4. In tune with the seasons
5. Driving Nature’s Waym and I did these ways only tree. So next time I visit this Park again.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
08 October
Unit 4
Traveler’s Tales
Lead in
1.Have you ever traveled abroad? Where did you go? What did you see?
I haven’t traveled abroad yet. But I believe someday I will travel with my family.
2.Match the pictures with the places:
San Francisco-C San Francisco is famous for its cable cars
Los Angeles-B L.A is famous for Hollywood.
San Diego- C San Diego is famous for its Zoos.
Hawaii- D Hawaii is famous for it’s nature
3. Match 2 things from the list to each place.
1.San Francisco – a. cable cars , f. a famous bridge
2. Los Angeles-d. Disneyland, g. rich people’s houses
3.San Diego- c. a zoo h. water sports
4.Hawaii b. traditional dances e. golden beaches
4. Which sentences refer to which place(s)?
a. San Francisco b. Los Angeles c. San Diego d. Hawaii
The city is built on hills 0. a
There are famous theme park 1.b
It is very close to another country 2.c
The local food is delicious 3.d 4.a
Entertains reform as you eat 5.d 6.a
You can see the homes of famous people 7.b
You can see interesting creatures under the sea 8.d
5. Look at the words in bold in Ex.4 and try to explain them , then choose any 3 and make sentences.
West coast- opposite to east located seashore
Pacific ocean- World’s 4 ocean’s one
San Francisco- California’s city-
Northern-situated in the north
Cable cars- environmentally friendly cars Tom like driving cable car
Street actors- actors who acted in street I like to watch Street Actor’s show
Los Angeles- there is Hollywood
Shake hands- it means greetings
San Diego-California’s city Kris comes from San Diego
Short drive- nearly
Hawaii- Islands of USA
Palm trees- type of tropical tree
Amazing- wonderful, huge, surprising
Ice-cream parlours- which place is sailing ice cream
Traditional- pertaining to tradition, customary
6.Match the word from column A with its opposite B.
1.Beatiful b a.dull
2.Delicious d b.ugly
3.Fresh f c.southern
4.exciting a d.tasteless
5.dry e e. wet
6.nortern c f.stale
7. Fill in correct word from the list below. Use the words only once.
Cable, palm, steep, street, short, fishing, traditional, golden
Fishing Boats
Palm Trees
Traditional Dances
Cable Cars
Golden Beaches
A short drive
Steep Roads
Street Actors
8.Replace the words in bold with others from the list.
Colorful, perfect, delicious, gorgeous, tiny, delightful, huge, fantastic
Last winter I went to on a skiing holiday to the Alps. We stayed in a 1.tiny chalet which had a 2. huge fireplace in every room. The weather was 3. gorgeous so we were able to go skiing every day. In the evenings we had dinner at 4. delightful restaurants in the village. The food was really 5.delicious. There were some 6.fantastic shops so I bought at 7. Colorful jumper. We stayed there for a week. We had a 8.perfect time.
9.Fill in the gaps with one of these words.
Look, watch, see, take, bring
1.Can you see that girl? She is hiding behind tree.
2.I always watch my favorite TV programme on Saturday afternoons.
3. Look at this statue. It’s gorgeous.
4.Can you bring me a glass of water please?
5. Take the books back to the library, please.
10.Fill in the correct particles.
Run into sb: to meet sb by chance
Run out of: to fish; have no more of
Run after: to chase
Run over: to hit sb/ sth with car, etc.
1.A car almost ran over my dog
2.The ball rolled down the hill and the children ran after
3. While we were driving to Paris, the car ran out of petrol.
4. Guess what! I ran into Bill Garring yesterday.
11. Fill in the correct prepositions,then choose any 3 and make sentences.
1.on the west coast of the USA 2. in The Pacific Ocean
3.famous for sth 4. Shake hands with sb. 5.on A tour 6. Sit on golden beaches 7. Get on a plane.
1. Mongolia is famous for it’s nature
2. If you are in Hawaii you are able to sit on golden beaches
3.Shake hands with someone it means hello or bye
12.Read the article again & talk about San Francisco, LA, San Diego and Hawaii in terms of sights/ activites.
San Francisco- sight: -street actors, Golden Gate Bridge
Activities: - fishing, eating delicious fish
Los Angeles- sight:- Disneyland, Hollywood
Activities:- a lot of things
San Diego: sight: - sun sand sea Zoo
Activities:- a lot of things; go to the beach
Hawaii: sight:- Sea Life Park Hanauma Bay
Activities:- a lot of things; watch traditional dance, eat delicious foods
Traveler’s Tales
Lead in
1.Have you ever traveled abroad? Where did you go? What did you see?
I haven’t traveled abroad yet. But I believe someday I will travel with my family.
2.Match the pictures with the places:
San Francisco-C San Francisco is famous for its cable cars
Los Angeles-B L.A is famous for Hollywood.
San Diego- C San Diego is famous for its Zoos.
Hawaii- D Hawaii is famous for it’s nature
3. Match 2 things from the list to each place.
1.San Francisco – a. cable cars , f. a famous bridge
2. Los Angeles-d. Disneyland, g. rich people’s houses
3.San Diego- c. a zoo h. water sports
4.Hawaii b. traditional dances e. golden beaches
4. Which sentences refer to which place(s)?
a. San Francisco b. Los Angeles c. San Diego d. Hawaii
The city is built on hills 0. a
There are famous theme park 1.b
It is very close to another country 2.c
The local food is delicious 3.d 4.a
Entertains reform as you eat 5.d 6.a
You can see the homes of famous people 7.b
You can see interesting creatures under the sea 8.d
5. Look at the words in bold in Ex.4 and try to explain them , then choose any 3 and make sentences.
West coast- opposite to east located seashore
Pacific ocean- World’s 4 ocean’s one
San Francisco- California’s city-
Northern-situated in the north
Cable cars- environmentally friendly cars Tom like driving cable car
Street actors- actors who acted in street I like to watch Street Actor’s show
Los Angeles- there is Hollywood
Shake hands- it means greetings
San Diego-California’s city Kris comes from San Diego
Short drive- nearly
Hawaii- Islands of USA
Palm trees- type of tropical tree
Amazing- wonderful, huge, surprising
Ice-cream parlours- which place is sailing ice cream
Traditional- pertaining to tradition, customary
6.Match the word from column A with its opposite B.
1.Beatiful b a.dull
2.Delicious d b.ugly
3.Fresh f c.southern
4.exciting a d.tasteless
5.dry e e. wet
6.nortern c f.stale
7. Fill in correct word from the list below. Use the words only once.
Cable, palm, steep, street, short, fishing, traditional, golden
Fishing Boats
Palm Trees
Traditional Dances
Cable Cars
Golden Beaches
A short drive
Steep Roads
Street Actors
8.Replace the words in bold with others from the list.
Colorful, perfect, delicious, gorgeous, tiny, delightful, huge, fantastic
Last winter I went to on a skiing holiday to the Alps. We stayed in a 1.tiny chalet which had a 2. huge fireplace in every room. The weather was 3. gorgeous so we were able to go skiing every day. In the evenings we had dinner at 4. delightful restaurants in the village. The food was really 5.delicious. There were some 6.fantastic shops so I bought at 7. Colorful jumper. We stayed there for a week. We had a 8.perfect time.
9.Fill in the gaps with one of these words.
Look, watch, see, take, bring
1.Can you see that girl? She is hiding behind tree.
2.I always watch my favorite TV programme on Saturday afternoons.
3. Look at this statue. It’s gorgeous.
4.Can you bring me a glass of water please?
5. Take the books back to the library, please.
10.Fill in the correct particles.
Run into sb: to meet sb by chance
Run out of: to fish; have no more of
Run after: to chase
Run over: to hit sb/ sth with car, etc.
1.A car almost ran over my dog
2.The ball rolled down the hill and the children ran after
3. While we were driving to Paris, the car ran out of petrol.
4. Guess what! I ran into Bill Garring yesterday.
11. Fill in the correct prepositions,then choose any 3 and make sentences.
1.on the west coast of the USA 2. in The Pacific Ocean
3.famous for sth 4. Shake hands with sb. 5.on A tour 6. Sit on golden beaches 7. Get on a plane.
1. Mongolia is famous for it’s nature
2. If you are in Hawaii you are able to sit on golden beaches
3.Shake hands with someone it means hello or bye
12.Read the article again & talk about San Francisco, LA, San Diego and Hawaii in terms of sights/ activites.
San Francisco- sight: -street actors, Golden Gate Bridge
Activities: - fishing, eating delicious fish
Los Angeles- sight:- Disneyland, Hollywood
Activities:- a lot of things
San Diego: sight: - sun sand sea Zoo
Activities:- a lot of things; go to the beach
Hawaii: sight:- Sea Life Park Hanauma Bay
Activities:- a lot of things; watch traditional dance, eat delicious foods
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
02 October
-We have to reveal Egyptians Pyramid’s secret.
-To reveal is very interesting job.
-As you know Sherlock Holmes reveals strange occurrences so he is a detective. /Unfortunately he is just a Arthur Konan Doily’s ideal man/
-You have to consider about Mayan’s History.
-John likes consider about human life.
-Since my teacher talked about doomsday I consider about earth.
-Guides are interpreted our culture to foreign people.
-Historians are interpreted history to us.
-She likes interpreting to others.
-Sun is solstice in June 22.
-After solstice day becomes more shortly & night becomes lonelier.
-Solstice means sun gets away our latitude.
-We have to reveal Egyptians Pyramid’s secret.
-To reveal is very interesting job.
-As you know Sherlock Holmes reveals strange occurrences so he is a detective. /Unfortunately he is just a Arthur Konan Doily’s ideal man/
-You have to consider about Mayan’s History.
-John likes consider about human life.
-Since my teacher talked about doomsday I consider about earth.
-Guides are interpreted our culture to foreign people.
-Historians are interpreted history to us.
-She likes interpreting to others.
-Sun is solstice in June 22.
-After solstice day becomes more shortly & night becomes lonelier.
-Solstice means sun gets away our latitude.
October 6
10. Identify tenses in bold, and then match them with the correct tense description. How is each tense formed? When do we use each tense?
Yesterday morning I went to St Stephen’s Cathedral-a. action which happened in the past at a define time
While I was taking pictures someone stole my bag.-b. longer past action interrupted by shorter action
I’ve been exploring all the gorgeous sandy beaches in the area.- d. action which began in the past and still going on.
We’ve been swimming at Nyali Beach almost every day and we’ve got great tans.- c.past action having visible results in the present
I’ve seen incredible Minion Palace.- e.statement of personal experience or changes
I think I’ve put on weight.-f.recent action when the time is not mentioned
11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1.While she was having lunch someone stole her camera.
2. He is dirty. He has been repairing cars since morning.
3. He is sun burnt. He is lying in the sun for hours.
4.While they were exploring a cave shark appeared.
5.While she was skiing she broke her leg.
6. She is tired. She has been working since morning.
13.Fill in the gaps with the correct adverb. Then say what tense they go with.
1.She left for her holiday in Spain a week ago.
2. I have been going on holiday to Italy for 4 years.
3. Have you ever travelled by ferry before?
4. I’ve never been to a foreign country before.
5. She has been skiing since she was a child.
6.I don’t want to go to Hawaii again. I’ve already been there twice.
7.I haven’t unpacked my suitcase yet so I can’t go out.
8. Dad was driving the car while mum was reading the map & giving directions.
9. She was sunbathing when it started to rain.
10. I’ve been to 4 different beaches so far.
Yesterday morning I went to St Stephen’s Cathedral-a. action which happened in the past at a define time
While I was taking pictures someone stole my bag.-b. longer past action interrupted by shorter action
I’ve been exploring all the gorgeous sandy beaches in the area.- d. action which began in the past and still going on.
We’ve been swimming at Nyali Beach almost every day and we’ve got great tans.- c.past action having visible results in the present
I’ve seen incredible Minion Palace.- e.statement of personal experience or changes
I think I’ve put on weight.-f.recent action when the time is not mentioned
11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1.While she was having lunch someone stole her camera.
2. He is dirty. He has been repairing cars since morning.
3. He is sun burnt. He is lying in the sun for hours.
4.While they were exploring a cave shark appeared.
5.While she was skiing she broke her leg.
6. She is tired. She has been working since morning.
13.Fill in the gaps with the correct adverb. Then say what tense they go with.
1.She left for her holiday in Spain a week ago.
2. I have been going on holiday to Italy for 4 years.
3. Have you ever travelled by ferry before?
4. I’ve never been to a foreign country before.
5. She has been skiing since she was a child.
6.I don’t want to go to Hawaii again. I’ve already been there twice.
7.I haven’t unpacked my suitcase yet so I can’t go out.
8. Dad was driving the car while mum was reading the map & giving directions.
9. She was sunbathing when it started to rain.
10. I’ve been to 4 different beaches so far.
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